• According to the provisions of french Law n°2004-575 to support confidence in the digital economy, we inform you that:
– The website was produced and edited by Denis JALLAT
Contact: jallat@unistra.fr
– It is being updated by Denis JALLAT (webmestre)
Contact: jallat@unistra.fr
– It is hosted by the University of Strasbourg (UDS).
Université de Strasbourg - 4 rue Blaise Pascal - CS 90032 - F-67081 Strasbourg Cedex - Tous droits réservés -
– Website address: http://www.cesh2017.unistra.fr ou http://cesh2017.unistra.fr
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The purpose of the web site is to provide the best information to the internet community about the 21st International CESH Congress, that will be held in Strasbourg on 7-9 December 2017..
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